Women's Reproductive Rights & Healthcare
Kannan has been a brick wall against extremist attempts to restrict reproductive freedom and has worked on enshrining reproductive rights in Virginia’s Constitution. Last Session, he introduced legislation to make contraceptives more affordable. As Senator, he will continue to fight any effort by Republicans to restrict women’s bodily autonomy.
As Delegate, Kannan leads efforts to ensure every family has affordable and accessible healthcare. In 2024, he introduced legislation to fully cover autism diagnosis and management, childhood cancer treatments, and breast cancer screenings, ensuring no out-of-pocket costs to patients. He also co-sponsored a bill to establish a Prescription Drug Affordability Board to lower prescription drug costs. He was Chief Co-Patron on a bill that will allow physicians licensed in a foreign country to receive a provisional license to practice medicine in underserved areas with a path to full licensure.
Kannan’s parents were proud school teachers who instilled in him the value of public service and the importance of a strong public school system. Learning from them, he knows that investing in our children today is an investment for a brighter, more prosperous Virginia tomorrow.
This year, Kannan carried legislation that helped expand access to school based tele-health services and advocated for an historic $2.5 billion increase in state funding for public education and local school divisions, including teacher salary increases and greater support for additional English Learner and special education instructors. As Senator, Kannan will continue advocating for increasing teacher pay, investing in school infrastructure, and ensuring every child has an opportunity to reach their full potential.
Gun Violence Prevention
Kannan supports common sense gun reform policies that reduce violence and improve safety across the Commonwealth, including an assault weapons ban. As Delegate, he passed legislation to create a statewide report on red flag laws and supported a budget that invested millions into sustainable, proven solutions that intercept and eliminate local cycles of gun violence through community based initiatives and youth engagement. He also co-sponsored and passed legislation that makes it a felony in Virginia to sell, own, or make any device that converts a semi-automatic gun into an automatic one.
Economy & Lowering Costs
As a community member, business leader, and former commissioner on the Loudoun Economic Development Advisory Commission, Kannan knows what it takes for communities to grow in a sustainable, balanced way. In Richmond, Kannan serves on the Small Business Commission and Manufacturing Development Commission, where he advocates for small businesses and works to make Virginia more competitive for manufacturing investments.
Like many Virginians, the rising cost of living and inflation is at the top of Kannan’s mind. As Delegate, Kannan works across party lines to lower costs for Virginia families by holding utilities accountable for high energy bills, protecting consumers from unnecessary, expensive projects, bringing more transparency to toll operators, and strengthening the bipartisan Virginia Consumer Protection Act to limit transaction fees.
Labor & Working Families
Kannan believes every Virginian should be paid a living wage, and have access to affordable childcare, and the option for paid leave during family medical emergencies, illness, or pregnancy. As Delegate, Kannan voted for a $15 minimum wage and paid family and medical leave that would uplift hardworking, middle-class families. A strong supporter of unions and opponent of corporate greed, Kannan supports repealing right-to-work and empowering workers’ bargaining power.
Kannan understands that housing is the foundation of a stable, healthy, and prosperous life and believes everyone deserves a safe and affordable place to call home, no matter their financial means. As Delegate, Kannan passed legislation to limit junk fees on the payment of rent and supported a budget that invested $175 million to create and preserve affordable housing across the Commonwealth. He sponsored legislation to make accessory dwelling units by right to increase access to housing.
As Senator, Kannan will continue to expand affordable housing options through housing assistance programs, stronger tenant protections, inclusionary zoning, and development incentives. So that every Virginian has an opportunity to own a home, he is committed to reducing barriers to homeownership by limiting corporate purchases of rental properties and single-family homes.
Environment & Climate Change
From long lasting droughts in Loudoun to devastating flooding in the Southwest, Kannan believes we need proactive, innovative policies to protect Virginia’s future. Passing of the Virginia Clean Economy Act was a good first step, but there is still much more to be done. As Delegate, Kannan has opposed corporate polluters, fought costly special interest utility projects, and worked across the aisle to lower energy bills, support clean energy, and expand affordable efficiency programs. As a State Senator, Kannan will continue to support efforts that promote renewable energy, create sustainable jobs, and invest in green energy infrastructure.
Defending Democracy
Safeguarding our elections is paramount to ensuring a resilient, inclusive democracy for future generations. As Delegate, Kannan has fought to expand ballot access, limit special interests and corporate lobbyist influence in elections, and prevent politicians from pocketing campaign donations for personal use. In 2024, he passed legislation to make it easier for densely populated areas to have access to early voting. As Senator, he will continue working to restrict outside influence and protect your right to vote.